What do you think was the last thing that Kevin Archibald saw before he lost consciousness forever after you hit him and took his life from us? We will never know, but I can tell you that for the rest of your life, you will see Kevin Archibald in every thing that you do, and at your moment of death, his image will be the last thing that you see.
His death will haunt you for the rest of your life. You will never be able to escape it.
Every time you watch a sports game, you will think about Kevin, who loved sports and will no longer be able to enjoy them like you are doing.
Every time you participate with friends in a pick-up game of sports, you will think about Kevin, who will no longer be able to play hockey with his friends.
Every time you do something physical, such as running or hiking or surfing, you will think about Kevin, who will no longer be able to hike or surf or sail.
Every time you play music or listen to music, you will think about Kevin, who will no longer be able to help musicians find a label for producing their music and who will no longer be able to enjoy listening to music.
Every time you work with your co-workers to achieve a goal, you will think about Kevin, who will no longer be able to experience working hard with his fellow employees to achieve a goal.
Every time you are experiencing an intimate moment with another person, you will think about Kevin, who no longer will be able to experience an intimate moment with his beloved wife.
Every time you play with children, you will think about Kevin and his nieces and nephews, who will no longer be able to enjoy each others’ company.
Every time you experience love from another person, you will think about Kevin AND his family AND his friends, who will no longer be able to show Kevin how much they love him.
Every time you get behind the wheel of a car, you will see him coming towards you in his own lane of traffic. You will never be able to forget that moment, when you took the life of Kevin Archibald.